SoulThirst Church

+ North Texas +

Pastor Jason’s Prayer - Nov 26th

J Patrick Miller

Merciful and gracious Father,

You sent your Son into the world to shine light into the darkness. 

Lord Jesus, you are the true light that shines for everyone. The light that shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot overcome it. Crash your light into this world, into this place, and into our hearts. 

We thank you for the miracle of this church family, whom you’ve gathered by the Holy Spirit, that we might simply receive. That we might receive forgiveness , renewal, and restoration by you through the proclamation and hearing of your Word, that we might be forgiven, renewed and restored by you and in you and you alone.

Lord, in the midst of the restlessness, the uncertainty, the turbulence, and the anxiety of this life, we are often filled with doubt. Lord, open your heart to hear our prayer, “I believe; help thou my unbelief.” You are the Lord who with a tender touch makes our spirit whole. So reach out and make us an Advent people, trusting not in ourselves, but patiently waiting and resting in the God who promises to save. Emmanuel, “God with us”, the shoot that comes forth from Jesse’s stump, the branch of righteousness, the tested Stone and Cornerstone, the sure Foundation. Give us assurance by your Word that you know your plans for us; plans for healing, plans of hope, plans of restoration in you, in whom all God’s plans and promises are fulfilled.