SoulThirst Church

+ North Texas +

Pastor Jason’s Prayer - Sept 17th

J Patrick Miller

Almighty God,

Be light for us, today and everyday. Send your Holy Spirit to be the spark that shines into the darkness into the darkness of this world and into the darkness we might find ourselves in.

Your Spirit hovers over us, gives us the very breath of life, and lives in us. To enliven us, to teach us, to instruct us, to lead us. To show us the Son, that we may be set free in the Son. 

By the power of your Word this morning, shatter the bondage of self in which we are chained. Renew our hearts in Jesus Christ that we might bear His image, pouring out grace, mercy, and love just as he poured out his blood on the cross  for our salvation.

Lord Jesus,

Comfort us with the truth that when we are overcome by distress or sorrow, we can call on your name for you are gracious and righteous; our God is full of compassion. Hold to your promise that the Lord protects the unwary; when we are brought low, He saves us. When we wander or find ourselves lost to temptation and the world’s ways, be our Great Shepherd. Hunt us down with your grace and love, with the Good News that it was for sinners just like us that you entered into the world to save it.